It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch or re-launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. It’s not just about looks, but that does play a big part of it and I help you make sure you master your introduction.

Just like the saying goes….”you only get one chance to make a first impression.”  With people being bombarded with images and visuals all day long, you need to stand out.  I can help you put your best first impression out there, follow it up with consistency, and create a clear message so potential clients can remember you.  Getting all your sh*t together, once and for all, and all your promotional ducks in a row will make the marketing process much easier.

STEP #1:

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This is the first step to figuring out what makes you unique and how to differentiate you from your competition. We will dig deep through a 2-hour intense interview. We will discuss why you started your business, what you have been doing to grow and where you want to go. You will then receive a personalized brief, created just for you and your business. It will include step-by-step suggestions and ideas on how to move forward with a new and improved identity, brand and/or marketing plan.

You can then take off running with these new ideas and plans with your own personal guidebook.
OR Move to Step #2: “Mavenization” if you would like to hire me to do the implementation based on your budget.
Cost: $500


Once we have completed the E³ (Evil Eye Evaluation) and we know what makes you awesome, we work on getting it all done. You can choose to start with some or all of my suggestions from 3 different levels of incorporation (see below, these will be detailed out specifically for you in your E³). We will then proceed with a plan and timeline for the implementation.

The cost of the E³ will get applied to any level of the “Mavenization” that you choose.

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At this level we use your current logo, maybe spiff it up a bit and add some complimentary elements. We get it into all the usable formats necessary and apply most of the “Top 10 Logo Uses” list. You will be set up with a stylin’ identity foundation. Completed print items will be priced separately for your choosing.


* cost of E³ will be deducted from this

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You ready for an image overhaul? Here you get a new logo, some print items, along with a 1-3 page website complete and launched. This is a fresh start, maybe a re-launch or just more in line with how your business has evolved and your ready for it all to jive together. Project can be accomplished in 25 days from agreement.


* cost of E³ will be deducted from this

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Rock Star!

This is the whole shibang! New logo, new print collateral designed and printed, new 4+ page website, including e-commerce if needed. Also a custom photo-shoot or possibly a video. Maybe even some new signage! This plan can be accomplished in 45 days from start date. Dream scenario? Check!


*cost of E³ will be deducted from this

If you are ready to get started, contact me at kp@karapolyner.com and we will schedule a time for your Evil Eye Evaluation. Looking forward to hearing from you!

DOWNLOAD: The Top 10 “MUST DO” uses for your logo